- MicroTester instrument.
- Rapid techniques for determination of microbial contamination, development of selective media.
- Mathematical modelling of effect of environmental factors (temperature, water activity, pH, redox potential, chemical concentration, etc.) on reproduction and destruction.
- Microbial risk analysis.
- Investigation and adjustment of problems in microbiology and hygiene, exploration of hazards.
- Design of thermal treatment (sterilization, pasteurization).
Quality control
- Microbial quality control with accredited laboratory background.
- Evaluation of samples according to the current standards and legislation.
- Technological, microbial, environmental-hygiene analysis.
- Design of sampling.
Experimental design and evaluation
- Biometry
- Experimental design and evaluation using validated mathematical-statistical basis on wide range of projects.
- Contribution in research projects.
- Elaboration of related chapters or sections of thesis works, scholar papers.
- Organization and evaluation of round investigations.
- Food microbiology, processing technology.
- Microbial analysis, methodology.
- Accomplishment of microbial accreditation requirements.
Biometry textbook
You can download the following textbook free (in Hungarian).
Dr. Reichart Olivér: Kísérlettervezés és értékelés a mikrobiológiai gyakorlatban. 2., átdolgozott kiadás. Budapest, 2012., pp.109
Download (PDF 907K)
Measurement of redox potential
The following presentation will introduce the technique, evaluation and advantages of measurement of redox potential (in Hungarian).
Dr. Reichart Olivér, Dr. Szakmár Katalin: Redox-potenciál mérésen alapuló gyors mikrobiológiai módszer. [HU] Budapest, 2005, pp.67
Download (PPTX 4.6M)
Redox-potential measurement as a rapid method for microbiological testing Budapest, 2011, pp.52
Download (PPTX 1.5M)