MicroTest Ltd.
– we deliver solutions in microbiology
– we deliver solutions in microbiology
Microtest Ltd. (Registered: Cg.01-710444, Established: 2003.)
H-1225 Budapest, Szentháromság u. 30
Tel.: +36(20)4699715
E-mail: Tekla.Engelhardt@microtest.hu
Research, development and counselling in the area of, or connected to, food and environmental microbiology.
We do not select projects for existing team but optimize team for projects and targets.
We solve your problems with contribution of special experts of the highest grade (engineer, microbiologist, physicist).
Our principle is that we deploy wide range of approved and recognized methods (exceeding simple empirical approaches), correct mathematical and statistical modeling techniques, so that we can improve efficiency in research and provide trustworhy results.
This website offers publications and presentations connected to the area of our activity. They might be useful sources of specific information.
Dr. Engelhardt Tekla
Chief Executive Officer
Copyright© 2023 - MicroTest Ltd.
MicroTest Ltd. // H-1225 Budapest, Szentháromság u. 30. // Tel.: +36(20)4699715